My Goddess Life

My quest is to live my best life–but I can’t live it if I don’t know what it is! After completing some visualization exercises, I imagined my answers to the following questions. If any of these answers resonate with you, make sure to follow my journey and let me know what your best life looks/feels like!

How do I feel?

I feel alive, vibrant, full of love and energy.  

How do I look?

I look sexy and glamorous.  My skin is dewy and smooth. I have muscle definition and feminine curves and my hair is thick and soft. There is a sparkle in my eyes.

What do I do?

What I want!  Money comes easily to me and my main resource is time.  I spend my time creating, learning, traveling, meeting with people, and enjoying my beautiful surroundings.

Who is in my life?  

My family and I play and enjoy each other.  I meet up with close friends to go on “dates”, girls night out, and encourage and strengthen each other.  My circle ebbs and flows as I continue to expand my world and invest in relationships.